Scrap Carbide

Scrap Carbide
We Buy All Tungsten Carbide Scrap For Recycling

Selasa, 03 November 2015

Information Tungsten Carbide

Kami membeli limbah Tungsten Carbide dikelompokan menjadi 3 bagian:
1. Tungsten Carbide W.1
2. Tungsten Carbide W.2
3. Tungsten Carbide W.roll

Tungsten Carbide W.1 - ex Tools Manufacture
Rp. 100.000/kg

Tungsten Carbide W.2 - ex Special Spare Part Manufacture and Spare Part Mining

Rp. 80.000/kg

Tungsten Carbide W.roll - ex Steels Industries 
Rp. 50.000/kg

Harga Limbah Carbide untuk Pengirim TETAP / LANGGANAN
Mitra Baja Prima

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